Nuova birra brewdog :D - Versione stampabile
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Nuova birra brewdog :D -
Paul - 01-04-2013
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
debierkoning - 01-04-2013
Dal punto di vista del marketing si confermano geniali come al solito!
R: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
enrico - 01-04-2013
Worse than Nickelback
Buon primo aprile a tutti!
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
Nemiopinerti - 01-04-2013
Geniali come al solito!
Ironica freschezza nelle birre e nel marketing, bravi.
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
alexander_douglas - 02-04-2013
dei maledetti geni
praticamente hanno perculato la creazione della birra industriale media
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
SukkoPera - 02-04-2013
Incollo le caratteristiche qua ad imperitura memoria, perché temo che tra un po' tolgano la pagina, e meritano decisamente:
Stunning features of Fake Lager:
- Brewed with Rice, Corn and Glucose Syrups. Hey, they are much cheaper than malt you know.
- No Hops at all. They are expensive and have flavour. Leaving them out saves everyone time and money.
- Brewed at 10% ABV then diluted back to 4.7% with water just before packaging making it incredibly cheap to produce. Win.
- We add fish-guts, loads of chemicals and other really scary stuff. Not sure why. Just seems to be the done thing with industrial lagers.
- It only takes 3 days from brewing to shipping. Punk IPA takes 30 – what a waste of time!
- Almost no flavour at all. Hints of cardboard, snake oil and corroding metals.
- Quadruple filtered and pasteurised to the point it no longer has any discernible soul.
- Actively promotes binge drinking because we are going to sell it super cheap.
- Backed with a huge advertising campaign to try and trick people into thinking it is actually good.
- People are stupid, they will definitely believe us.
- Good men, blissful in their ignorance, will soak up it up like vermin.
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
Paul - 08-04-2013
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
Fernando - 07-05-2013
mi inserisco al volo...
qualcuno ha mai fatto acquisti direttamente dal loro sito?
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
alexander_douglas - 07-05-2013
mai fatto....anche se sul sito trovi molte più cose rispetto al normale ho visto
RE: Nuova birra brewdog :D -
alexander_douglas - 08-05-2013
a proposito di brewdog: . Proposta di lavoro non male